Investigating the voice Essay

Introduction from

In this report I will discover how the voice is made and what key organs in the body are used to produce speech. I would also back all of my points up with evidence weather that is primary evidence or secondary evidence.

The role of the body and breath

The role of the body is a fundamental process which impacts the health of our body and our mind, the body is home to the power house the brain. The brain controls everything that happens inside our body, this includes breathing.

-30416517145000The process of sound production is a complex action that involves all system of the body. The first system that this process used is the respiration system, which is the process of breathing and how when a breath is taken in down the nasal cavity and down the trachea then it reaches the lungs (where the lungs expand so more breath is taken in) and when we inhale the diaphragm lowers as more air fills the organ up. Then the air is releases where it would leave the diaphragm (raise back up) the go back through the lungs where all the muscles of the rib cage would relax as the c02 travels back up the trachea and out either through the nasal cavity or the mouth.

Now once the body has taken breaths it can use these breaths to produce sound. The body does this by once air has been taken in the vocal cords (situated in the larynx) have now been activated and the air would bursts through the cords opening them up, once the breath has been used up , the folds wills simply close again and this is how the body makes sound. However our body needs to shape these sounds to words not just sounds. The newly made sound is then shaped into recognisable words by the pharynx and the oral cavities (lips. Tongue, hard pallet, soft pallet and the jaw). These articulators shape the sounds and make them into recognisable words.

Also as an actor you will regularly need to change the pitch of your voice to fit specific characters you’re playing. Your body does this by either the vocal folds being tighter which makes the vibrations slower meaning there is more tension on the folds which ultimately makes the pitch higher. Alternatively the folds been looser and then the folds vibrating faster means that there is less tension making the pitch lower.

As an actor your voice is the most important part of your body. So therefore you need to look after your voice. Here are some ways you can strain your voice and how to treat it properly.

Tanvir Shameem, (2010), The Articulators [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 6 October 2019].